F-Response Universal/Now version Released

May 11, 2015

We've been hard at work updating and improving F-Response Universal/Now. You'll find a more complete revision history in the individual product manual, however here are some highlights.

F-Response Universal/Now

New SCSI driver for full disk connections, improving throughput and performance.

The F-Response Universal/Now SCSI driver has been completely updated to use a more streamlined communications model which should result in high transfer rates and improved stability.

Throughput improvements to the Univ/Now appliance.

Minor flow control changes within the appliance software should improve performance during intensive operations (imaging, etc).

Numerous updates to the Linux examiner platform.

Reduced dependencies to 3rd party libraries and the inclusion of additional Centos 7 builds.

Android APK subject improved based on internal testing and user feedback.

Continued incremental improvements to the Android version of F-Response Universal/Now.

Improved handling of LDAP AD Authentication.

Modified LDAP queries to allow for more complex folder and group hierarchy in the organization. If you are using LDAP authentication you will now need to provide the full DN to both where user accounts are stored as well as the location of the group.

F-Response Universal customers can update to the latest version of F-Response Universal by following the steps outlined in the user manual. Existing F-Response Now customers will be upgraded to upon request. All new Now instances purchased are always generated using the latest released build.

Thanks and enjoy!

Warmest Regards,

M. Shannon, Principal