F-Response Universal/Now version Released

May 28, 2015

We continue to improve F-Response Universal/Now. You'll find a more complete revision history in the individual product manual, however here are some highlights.

F-Response Universal/Now

DiscoveryShare updates for Non-Windows platforms

Modifed the DiscoveryShare mechanisms to better address prohibited characters in remote file and folder content.

Improved handling of LDAP AD Authentication.

Continued to modify LDAP queries to allow for more complex folder and group hierarchy in the organization. If you are using LDAP authentication you will now be able to use the Base DN and Group DN more like you would traditionally. You can find more information on LDAP configuration in the manual on page 6.

F-Response Universal customers can update to the latest version of F-Response Universal by following the steps outlined in the user manual. Existing F-Response Now customers will be upgraded to upon request. All new Now instances purchased are always generated using the latest released build.

Thanks and enjoy!

Warmest Regards,

M. Shannon, Principal