F-Response Universal v8 - New Look Web Admin UI

May 13, 2019


We've moved the new F-Response Universal v8 into testing and I wanted to take this opportunity to share some of the screen captures from the upcoming interfaces.

The F-Response Universal Console has already appeared in multiple newsletter articles and blog posts, however, you'll find it included below for consistency.

The first thing you'll notice is that starting in v8 of Univeral you'll now have access to cloud collection options. Cloud collection wasn't available for Universal when it first came out, however existing Universal customers will receive this new capability free of charge when Universal v8 comes out. In addition, you'll notice the F-Response imager has been wired into the console directly, much like F-Response v8 for TACTICAL through Enterprise, this should give Universal customers a central location to work through the entire product lifecycle.

Now, let's talk for a minute about the new look administration system. Currently F-Response Universal is delivered as an appliance and provides only limited command line tools for configuration and administration. That's changing dramatically in F-Response Universal v8.

The new administration system is completely web based and available using a simple set of HTTPS protected pages wherever your F-Response Universal software is installed. That's right, installed. Starting with F-Response Universal v8 we will no longer be requiring the use of a provided appliance, and will instead offer RPM and Windows installation packages for F-Response Universal.

The new look UI also comes with a number of useful dashboard details, including licensing information, last examiner, last subject, operating mode, and much more.

An astute reader will also note there is now a complete set of administration utilities, including options for testing and configuring active directory authentication, as well as individual product specific options.

Lastly, you'll see we've added a "history" section that provides sortable lists of examiner and subjects seen, including the last date/time they checked into the Universal server.

As you can see, there's a lot to be excited about, and we are hard at work to get it to you. Right now we are very hopeful the testing will wrap up this summer and we can start the process of bringing F-Response Universal v8 to customers shortly thereafter.

If you've already reached out, don't worry about letting us know you're excited to get early access, chances are we've got you on the list, however, if you're worried, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll make sure we get you down.

Thanks for taking the time to get up to speed with F-Response, and thank you very much for your patience as we work hard to get a great new F-Response Universal to you.

Warmest Regards,

M Shannon, Managing Principal
May 13, 2019